Image showing a Stream Deck XL.

Migrating from streamdeck_ui to streamdeck-linux-gui

Now that streamdeck_ui broke in the latest update and the contributor is MIA it is time to move to the community fork streamdeck-linux-gui…

If you happen to own a Stream Deck and a Linux user, then you’ll most likely discovered that you need third-party software for it to work. One of the most popular libraries is streamdeck_ui, however the most recent version on pip is broken. And the current developers are MIA and inactive, so this repository is stale now. Luckily the community created a new fork that already implemented some fixes and that is called streamdeck-linux-gui. So time to deliver on the promise of the title of this article and showcase how to migrate to this new version.

Did you stumble here looking for a way to use your stream deck with Linux? Have a look at the installation instructions from the streamdeck-linux-gui repo.

Preparing to migrate

Let’s start out with creating a backup of the current configuration file of streamdeck_ui.

cp ~/.streamdeck_ui.json ~/.streamdeck_ui_backup.json

Now we have a backup of our setup just to be sure we can remove streamdeck_ui. Continue on to the next step based on how you installed streamdeck_ui.

Pip/Pipx based install

python3 -m pip uninstall streamdeck_ui

Alright out with old, in with the new, let’s upgrade pip and install streamdeck-linux-gui via pip or pipx depending on your method:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install streamdeck-linux-gui --user

Arch AUR install

If you are here you are running Arch, so you probably won’t need my help I laid out the basics.

If you used the AUR to install streamdeck_ui a simple upgrade should be fine, do ensure that you are using the streamdeck-ui package. Else remove your version using pacman and install the correct package using:

pacman -S streamdeck-ui

Finishing the migration

Okay now it is time to reboot your OS and come back after that is done.

Alright now if you have enabled auto startup with systemd your steam deck should start up like normal. To verify we have the right version installed we can open up the GUI and press ‘help’ → ‘about’.

Now you should see an image like this:

Linux GUI about dialog box

Now if the version reads something like ‘Devel’ (this was bug it should read the version), or is of a version higher or equal to 3.0.0 you have successfully migrated. Alright, check if everything works correctly, if so we can remove our backup file.

rm ~/.streamdeck_ui_backup.json

And that’s it we have successfully migrated from streamdeck_ui to streamdeck-linux-gui.
